The results indicate that a certain quantity of electrical noise can decrease threshold of vibration sense of subjects, which prove occurrence of stochastic resonance ( SR). 结果表明电噪声能降低所有受试者的振动感觉阈值,并表现出随机共振现象。
The contour data is extracted by filtering noise of images, threshold segmentation and contour extracting. 采用对图像先滤波去噪,然后阈值分割,再用四邻域或八邻域轮廓提取的方法将边界点析出。
Image processing mainly dealt with gray-scale transformation, image smoothing and filtering, noise reducing, threshold selecting, binary image, edge detecting and its extracting et al, different processing methods were compared. 图像处理过程包括几何变换、灰度级变换、图像平滑、滤波降噪、阈值选取及二值化、边缘提取等,并对不同处理方法进行了比较。
The transmitting property of the periodic pulse trains added to additive Gaussian white noise though a threshold system is considered theoretically. 将混有加性高斯白噪声的周期脉冲序列通过阈值系统,对其传输性质进行理论研究。
By analysing the different characteristics of signal and noise in wavelet analysis, this paper proposes an improved algorithm to enhance the denoising technique of wavelet soft-thresholding in estimating noise intensity, selecting threshold and adjusting wavelet coefficients. 通过分析信号和噪声的小波系数在小波空间的不同特性,在“噪声强度估计”、“阈值选择策略”和“小波系数调整策略”三个方面对软阈值除噪技术进行了改进。
Based on the unique characteristic of spectral line center in the whole spectrum and noise threshold, a computer approach and program for the determination of spectral line position and relative intensity automatically are presented in this paper. 本文以谱线中心位置在整个谱型中所独有的特性和噪声阈值为依据,提出了一种计算机自动获取谱线中心频率及其相对强度的简便算法,并设计了相应的计算机程序。
According to these, we finally establish mathematical models of HVS noise threshold and IQS based on CCIR five-point quality scale. 在此基础上,建立了基于CCIR五级质量标准的HVS噪声阈值数学模型和IQS数学模型。
Influence of masking noise on hearing threshold and frequency discrimination in guinea pigs 掩蔽声对豚鼠听阈和频率辨别阈的影响
A Spatial Algorithm for Computing Perceptible Noise Threshold Matrix 一种类可感知噪声阈值矩阵的空域计算方法
The basis of the theory model of laser radar for direct detection is built on that the maximal detectable distance is decided by certain detection probability, false-alarm rate, signal noise ratio and threshold noise ratio. 从虚警概率、探测概率、信噪比和阈值噪声比决定最大探测距离的这一角度阐述建立直接探测激光雷达模型;假设在直接检测方式下,探测器噪声可以用高斯概率密度函数表示;
Based on analyzing the main factor influenced the effect of complex wavelet compressing noise, which are threshold selection, decomposition scales, noise level and interference frequency, the paper firstly puts forward the effective wavelet coefficient ( EWC) threshold. 在对影响复小波去噪的阈值选取、分解层数、噪声水平、干扰频率等主要因素进行深入研究的基础上,首次提出一种用于复小波变换的有效小波阈值法;
In this paper, a novel blind watermarking scheme has been proposed. The watermarking capacity has been obviously increased using perceptual model. The embedded bit number can be decided by calculating the noise threshold of DCT coefficients. 本文提出一种新颖盲水印算法,利用感知模型增加水印容量,根据DCT系数噪声门限大小决定嵌入比特数,噪声门限越大,嵌入比特数越多。
The synchronization filter filtrates the thin square noise when the color threshold is depressed to obtain a more intact detection. 边缘检测时通过降低差分计算的颜色阈值获取更为完整的检测结果,同时利用空间滤波器去除由颜色阈值的降低所引发的大量小面积噪声。
The algorithm attenuates the noise by choosing local threshold through the relativity property between different wavelet transformations with different scales, the different properties of different noises under wavelet transform and the order statistical theory. 该方法利用了不同尺度下小波变换之间的相关特性及不同噪声小波变换的特性并结合排序统计原理自适应地选择小波域局部门限进行降噪滤波。
In this paper, the influence of the pumping noise and the spontaneously radiative noise on the threshold behaviour for the single mode dye lasers has been analysed by making use of WKB theory. 本文利用WKB理论分析了泵浦噪声与自发辐射对单模染料激光器阈值行为的影响。
According to the special requirements of LDWS for road image, this paper aims itself at the defect in image processing of LDWS in existence, and combining the advanced image processing algorithm in existence, make progress in eliminating noise, exact threshold division and keeping efficiency pixel. 根据车道偏离预警系统对于道路图像的特殊要求,针对现有图像处理的不足之处,并结合目前最先进的图像处理算法,在减少噪声、阈值分割以及保存有效像素等方面取得了明显的进展。
To discuss further the dependence of stochastic resonance on signals, nonlinear systems and noise, especially on noise, the binary input signal buried in Gaussian mixture noise through a nonlinear threshold array is studied based on mutual information. 为了探讨随机谐振现象的发生对信号、非线性系统和噪音的依赖性,特别是对噪音的依赖性,以互信息量为测度研究了二进制信号在非线性门限阵列的传输问题。
The simple principle of estimation of torque wave in engine was discussed in this paper. In order to improve the estimation accuracy and avoid the effect from noise in the measurements, A nonlinear noise threshold was introduced into the estimator. the emulational results was on display. 简述了估计发动机力矩信号的基本原理,针对估计过程中噪声对估计器的影响,通过在前馈网络引入一非线性噪声门限改善了效果,给出仿真结果。
In this range finder, an automatic noise threshold control circuit is used to automatically control average noise pulse firing rate. Such that a constant average noise pulse firing rate is obtained. 测距仪采用自动噪声电平控制电路动态控制噪声脉冲的平均发生率,使系统获得稳定的平均噪声脉冲发生率;
For decreasing the influence of random noise, a threshold denoising method based on wavelet transform is proposed. 研究了经验模式分解与希耳伯特变换相结合的提取信号瞬时参数的EMD/HS法,并针对随机噪声的影响,提出了基于阈值的正交小波变换去噪法。
Analysis of the highway traffic noise threshold value 公路交通噪声阈限值的分析研究
Effects of Continuous High Frequency Noise Exposure on Hearing Threshold and Structure of Cochleae in Guinea Pigs 高频连续噪声对豚鼠听阈及耳蜗结构的影响
Digital image processing of Moir é fringes are discussed, and process of preprocessing, noise removing, threshold sectioning and thinning processing are given. Curve fitting and numerical analysis of the thinned moir é fringes are also provided. 研究了莫尔条纹数字图像处理方法,给出了其预处理、噪声去除、阈值分割和细化处理过程,以及细化后的莫尔条纹曲线拟合及数值分析。
Use the computer simulation technology to simulate the automatic noise threshold, the experimental and theoretical calculation, it designed a optimal threshold circuit under different working environment. 利用了计算机仿真技术对噪声自动阈值进行仿真,经实验和理论计算,设计出不同工作环境下最佳阈值电路。
In practical applications where the variance of noise is unknown or changeable, this approach can estimate the noise variance and the threshold adaptively. 针对实际应用中噪声方差未知或变化的情况,自适应地估计噪声强度和阈值。
For the shortcoming of high frequency signal distortion in the wavelet shrinkage de-noising, we use spectral subtraction to treat with small scales wavelet coefficients and then remove the residual noise with a small threshold; in big scales, we still use threshold method directly. 针对阈值法中高频信号失真的缺点,我们对小尺度上的小波系数做谱减法预处理,之后以一个小阈值去除剩余噪声,大尺度上仍然利用阈值法处理。
In order to maximize to suppress noise and extract the really echo signal, we design noise automatic threshold circuits and echo signal identification circuit. 为了最大限度地抑制噪声提取真回波信号,设计出噪声自动阈值电路和回波信号真假识别电路。
Finally, for complex variable background noise, the adaptive threshold is proposed to improve the constant threshold test method of hypothesis testing to detect the RF signal in low SNR. 最后针对复杂时变背景噪声,提出采用自适应门限以改进恒定门限检验的假设检验方法,在低信噪比下对射频信号进行检测。
An algorithm is proposed to estimate the Doppler frequency rate-of-change of PSK signal. DFT is used to realize the coherent integration among pulses. This algorithm has certain signal noise ratio threshold and near optimal estimation performance. 提出了对相位编码信号的多普勒频率变化率估计算法,采用离散傅立叶变换实现了脉冲间的相关积累,算法具有一定的信噪比门限,估计性能接近最优。
The results of simulation show that the method is effective for parameter estimation in slow frequency hopping signal, and reduce the signal to noise ratio threshold and computational complexity. 仿真结果表明提出的方案对慢速跳频信号参数估计能够降低信噪比阈值门限和算法复杂度。